Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Break 2013

 Playland and basketball in the gym...
 forts, underground tunnels, fireworks...
playing doggies...
 cookies for breakfast...
 Easter egg lunches...
 eating with tiny forks...

science experiments...
 tough guy science experiments...
 just plain cuteness...
basketball games in the shed, bike riding, working in the garden, tractor rides, Gator rides to the woods, break at great-grandma's house, playing with Caleb and Tatum, Wii, visiting Aunt Sandy, playing at Pettisville Park, swimming at Heritage Inn, books and more books, Monopoly, checkers, marbles, basketball in the house with an imaginary hoop, playing jail, going to Brookview for summer sausage and jerky and licorice, Bingo, Cootie, Chinese checkers, and every other game in the cupboard, zooming cars on the race track, Grandpa's popcorn, staying up late, getting up early...
Can't wait for Spring Break 2014!


  1. Oh.... love all of these pix!! The egg carton lunch--- what a cool idea. The kiddos have been talking all day today about their great week. Thank you again for watching these little munchkins. Are you ready for SB 2014 with three munchkins?? (and perhaps their Mom/Pop?) Love you- Min

  2. wow! what a fun, full week. love seeing the photos! and can't wait to see you soon!!!
