Monday, August 6, 2012

Always too short

Lucas and Sophie, we had so much fun with you the past few days.  It's always neat to see what you'll be interested in when you come.  This time it was little cars.  You both spent hours racing cars down the track, loading them in the big red truck, and even washing them in the bathtub (car wash.)

 We had a little birthday party for Miss S.  She seemed to like her new tea party set.  So did her brother.  He kept saying, "We're having real tea!"

 Grandpa thought Lucas needed a new Ohio State shirt.  After he put it on, Sophie thought she needed some OSU clothes, too.  So she wore one of Lucas's the rest of the day and even to bed.
And these seem to be our standard Sauder Village photos.  The kids really enjoy the Little Pioneers area, but they also like the Native American display, the jail, the museum, the barn and animals.