Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunny Indiana

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunny snowy Seattle

 The beginning of the week was sunny but chilly.  Fun time at the park...
 So happy to be in town for open house for Zach's new counseling center.
 And great fun to see Bill and Renee...
 Lots of track building and train vrooming...
 Made strawberry jam with the kids.  Caden washed...
 and Zara smashed.

 Cutie Claire is ready for church
 Art projects with shaving cream and food coloring

 And fun painting with colored evaporated milk...paint dried shiny and looked really neat
 Car track made out of masking tape for a rainy, snowy day inside
 Snuggle time with books and smoothies
Don't get as many chances to read to Z anymore...she loves to read!!