Lucas asked if I could make him some Shamrock football pants.
I couldn't find the right color but he sure seems happy with them.
Spent lots of time, as usual, watching trains
A few action shots of "the big game" with Grandpa
Every football player needs a big thermos, right?
Lots of beat-ups
Lucas and I made monster cookies.
The kids tried them out after their naps.
Couldn't resist trying this OLD dress of mine on Sophie.
Lucas asked Sophie why she wasn't smiling for the picture,
so she starting acting silly.
Yes, it was 39 degrees out, but...Lucas had his football pads and jersey on. It doesn't work with his car seat. So he took them off in the car and rode like this. I did have his coat along just in case, but he didn't feel the need to wear it.
A little hot chocolate and marshmallow break