Monday, May 17, 2010

Sweet Kids

Creative Zara

Great Seattle Weather

What a Ball!

Caden and his Wagons

Farmers Market

There was a busy street fair across from the Market. Zara went through the inflatable tunnel
and bounced in the bouncy ball tent.

MoonPaper Tent

Working on her clue book before the performance
Waiting for the show to begin...
The actors borrowed Zara's shoes for some "magic."
After the performance, the actors talked to the kids.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Say, Say a Playmate

Hey Na Na

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Fun

Zara decided to make birthday cards outside since it was nice.
Zara played school with some of her stuffies.
After reading some books and doing Math, it was lunch time.
She enjoyed opening the letter from her dad.

After Zara went to school, Caden took a bath. While I was getting him dressed, I noticed there were no diapers in the basket. So I stood him down on the floor while I opened the new pack of diapers, guessed it. He went on the floor. Should have known better. Caden and I walked to the bank and the grocery store. He spent lots of time "washing dishes" before he ate lunch.